Be Curious

In The Art of Connecting, Raines and Ewing identify a quality present in those who seem to be able to connect well, both in and outside their culture. The quality is curiosity.  Curious people do not tend to be judgmental. They ask questions and they take interest in others. It is difficult to be both.. read more →

Qualities Present in Achievers

Thomas Stanley’s penetrating book, The Millionaire Mind, has shed thought provoking insight into the hearts and minds of the world’s wealthy.  Of particular interest to me is his survey of 733 of these millionaires where they were asked to rank the top factors they feel led to their achievements. Their top answers (in order) may.. read more →

Necessity of Assertiveness in Leadership

A book I often recommend to my Chinese friends is Jane Hyun’s, “Breaking the Bamboo Ceiling.”  Hyun is an HR expert here in the USA with extensive knowledge of both the needs of the American and International workforce, while at the same time possessing a keen understanding of Asian Culture. She believes there is one.. read more →

The Titanium Rule

In the insightful book, “The Art of Connecting,” by Raines and Ewing, the writers encourage readers to use what is called the “Titanium Rule” when seeking to connect with others. Their astute observation: when we want to connect with people like us, we exercise what is known as “The Golden Rule,” which means, “do unto.. read more →

What Work Requires of School

The Secretary’s Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills (SCANS) was commissioned by the U.S Department of Labor to determine the skills young people need to succeed in the world of work. They titled the report: “What Work Requires of Schools.” The results are timeless. Although, some necessary characteristics for successful workers involved basic literacy skills, much.. read more →