“The Cold Never Bothered Me Anyway” EQ #14 Optimism

You want to be that person, don’t you? Facing storms, facing cold you look forward with determination and resolve and exclaim in the face of it all, “the cold never bothered me anyway.” Those lyrics from the song, “Let it Go,” have been popularized by the Disney smash hit, Frozen. An important EQ quality, optimism,.. read more →

What 6 Experiences Now, as a Collegian, Will Make Me Happier and More Successful….later?

According to a recent Gallup Poll, six experiences while in college will lead to a person eventually enjoying and being engaged in their future career and experiencing an overall feeling of well being in their adult lives.  So, what kind of experiences should collegians try to have now that will help them later in life? .. read more →

What Do I Really Want To Do With My Life?

What Do I Really Want to Do with My Life? Most of those I work with are at what we call a “crossroads” in life. They are preparing for their future but have a number of options to consider. How can one be sure to take the right path? First and foremost, you must know.. read more →

Finding Change in 2014

It’s that time of year again: New Year’s Resolutions.  Have you made a New Year’s resolution? In America, most of us have.  But, to be honest, most of us start out the year resolutely, but in a short time, we fall back to our old, same behaviors.  Realizing lasting change is difficult. How can we.. read more →

Why Are Employers So Obsessed with Finding Problem Solvers? EQ #11 Problem Solving

What are today’s employers looking for?  According to the Job Outlook Survey conducted by the National Association of Employers (2013), the second most important quality, after leadership, is problem solving. Scientists note two different types of “distractions.”  I’ll also note that these “distractions” could also be labeled, “problems.”  They are sensory and emotional.  Sensory problems.. read more →

National Holiday Celebrations in China (Oct. 1) and in America (July 4)- Dr. Allan Tuan, guest blog

I am Chinese-American. I have experienced thirty-six of the National Holiday (July 4th) celebrations in America, but none in China.  Recently, I had separate conversations about China’s National Holiday (Oct. 1) with one of my American friends who lives in China and with one of my Chinese friends (of course, also living in China). I.. read more →

A Bumper Sticker You Won’t See in China (Americans in China blog series)

“Proud Parent of Honor Student at Jixi Middle School.”  You’ll never see that bumper sticker on a car driven in China.  But, each and every day I drive in North Carolina I see bumper stickers like this: “Proud Parent of Honor Student at (whatever school in wherever USA).  Why? Americans are individualistic and independent. We.. read more →

What One Question Best Appraises Your Personal Well being?

If their child is not feeling well virtually every parent in America will ask, “Do you have a temperature?”  We deem this the most important gauge of someone’s physical wellbeing. But, what question should I answer if I want to assess my OVERALL well being?  What question should I ask myself to help me determine.. read more →

The $10,000 Dollar Cinnamon Rolls– EQ #8 Social Responsibility

My family recently attended the funeral of a close friend of ours, Joan Middleton.  Joan was a truly selfless person, seeking to make the lives of others better, up until her own death.  Even while she was battling cancer she would lament that she felt so powerless not being able to help care for others… read more →

Career Success is Very Seldom Based on Career Duress EQ#6 Self-Actualization

From youth I had a high amount of energy to do things that made me happy. Along with my friends we dreamed of being jet fighters. We couldn’t fly and we didn’t have equipment, so we improvised.  We used bicycles for locomotion and put underwear over our heads for pilot masks (the leg holes of.. read more →