Fighting- It Is What So Many Chinese Do

When a Chinese friend is struggling or needs a little encouragement, often another Chinese friend will come along and either say “fighting” or put a well-placed emoticon of an arm flexing to symbolize and encourage the same thing: “keep fighting.”I wondered where this came from.  My Chinese friend told me it actually originated in Korea,.. read more →

Two Lessons from the 2014 NBA Finals

I’m a basketball player, now, wisely, resigned to being a fan. I love basketball. I grew up playing most every day from the age of six-eighteen.  In the cold Montana snowy winters I would shovel off my basketball court so I could play. I had the weather beaten, split, bleeding fingers to show for it… read more →

Don’t Try This in America!! (Chinese and American Differences)

Don’t Try This in America! If you are an American who has traveled in China or Chinese who has traveled in the USA, you will notice a big difference in driving habits in these different cultures.  The list of “driving differences” is too many to mention here, but let me note one you may keenly.. read more →

Does Happiness Have to be so Elusive? Happiness and EQ

“Happiness is the ability to enjoy your life, to enjoy yourself and others and to have fun” (EQ Edge, 217).  Happiness is a barometer of your overall emotional intelligence and functioning.  Happy people tend to have more friends, have higher energy for life interests and demands in addition to outliving those who are unhappy. Thousands.. read more →

Is There Anything Wrong with the Advice, “Just Follow Your Heart?” EQ 15 Reality Testing

One of the popular pieces of advice given to people who are trying to decide what to do, who to date/marry, where to live, what major to choose etc. is to “Just follow your heart.”  How wise is this counsel? When someone advises another to do this, I believe they are basically saying, “Follow your.. read more →

“The Cold Never Bothered Me Anyway” EQ #14 Optimism

You want to be that person, don’t you? Facing storms, facing cold you look forward with determination and resolve and exclaim in the face of it all, “the cold never bothered me anyway.” Those lyrics from the song, “Let it Go,” have been popularized by the Disney smash hit, Frozen. An important EQ quality, optimism,.. read more →

What 6 Experiences Now, as a Collegian, Will Make Me Happier and More Successful….later?

According to a recent Gallup Poll, six experiences while in college will lead to a person eventually enjoying and being engaged in their future career and experiencing an overall feeling of well being in their adult lives.  So, what kind of experiences should collegians try to have now that will help them later in life? .. read more →

What Turned Dr. David Banner into the Hulk Might Also be Affecting You! EQ #13 Stress Tolerance

At least 210 passengers died in the recent South Korean Ferry disaster. The disaster seems to have revealed widespread corruption in the ferry industry.  No doubt a number of people will be held culpable for the tragedy. But, what happened at the time of the tragedy?  Personally, I don’t believe the crew of the ferry.. read more →

What Do I Really Want To Do With My Life?

What Do I Really Want to Do with My Life? Most of those I work with are at what we call a “crossroads” in life. They are preparing for their future but have a number of options to consider. How can one be sure to take the right path? First and foremost, you must know.. read more →

Special Student Leadership Event in Nanjing, China (April 12)

 My partners in Nanjing and I have been doing a student leadership event in Nanjing twice each year since 2008. It has been a great way to help develop student leaders while also facilitating relationships between American professionals on “voluntouring” trips and these fine students. If you are a student in Nanjing, please apply. If.. read more →